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Cafe' and Catering
Delicious thirst quenching hot and cold drinks - fast and ready to go!
ICE COLD - The deeper the chill, the greater the thrill
Assorted Bottled Waters, Fruit Juice, Smoothies, Ale, and more
Bottled Water, Fruit Juice, Smoothies, Ale, and more! No matter the season hot or cold - No matter the reason young or old ---No mattr your journey over land or sea ---- Right now there's no other place you'd rather be ---- So lift up your glass or raise a cup ---- To celebrate life, go ahead...bottom's up! ---- Assorted Bottled Waters, Fruit Juice, Smoothies, Ale, and more
Gourmet Coffee, Assorted International Teas and more
COFFEE, TEA, ASSORTED HOT DRINKS Savory aromas, warm delicious tastes Who can the describe the flavor of pure joy Our hot drinks may leave you speecless Gormet Coffee to temp any taste
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ICE COLD - The deeper the chill, the greater the thrill
Assorted Bottled Waters, Fruit Juice, Smoothies, Ale, and more
Bottled Water, Fruit Juice, Smoothies, Ale, and more! No matter the season hot or cold - No matter the reason young or old ---No mattr your journey over land or sea ---- Right now there's no other place you'd rather be ---- So lift up your glass or raise a cup ---- To celebrate life, go ahead...bottom's up! ---- Assorted Bottled Waters, Fruit Juice, Smoothies, Ale, and more
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Gourmet Coffee, Assorted International Teas and more
COFFEE, TEA, ASSORTED HOT DRINKS Savory aromas, warm delicious tastes Who can the describe the flavor of pure joy Our hot drinks may leave you speecless Gormet Coffee to temp any taste
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